To precisely and firmly establish details of a plan.
We haven't nailed down an exact date for the wedding yet, but we're thinking sometime in August.
To stop something at an early stage.
If you feel like you are catching a cold, try to nip it in the bud so that it does not cause you to miss work.
Somebody who is not particularly young
My grandfather runs marathons, and he's no spring chicken.
It's not particularly difficult.
I need my car for a date tonight. Can you fix it? No sweat. I'll have it fixed in no time.
Absolutely not; not possible.
Do you think there will ever be any honest politicians? Not a chance.
Easy; not difficult.
Upgrading your RAM is easy. There's nothing to it.
Not bad; worthwhile.
Max's new painting is nothing to sneeze at.
Ordinary; not exceptional; not especially good.
That movie was entertaining but nothing to write home about.