/əˈroʊmə/ (noun)
A distinctive, typically pleasant smell.
/ˌɛrəˈmædɪk/ (adjective)
Having a pleasant and distinctive smell.
/ˈædər/ (noun)
A fragrant essential oil, typically made from rose petals.
/bɑ(l)m / (noun)
A fragrant ointment or preparation used to heal or soothe the skin.
/ˈbɔlsəm/ (noun)
An aromatic resinous substance, such as balm, exuded by various trees and shrubs and used as a base for certain fragrances and medical and cosmetic preparations.
/boʊˈkeɪ,buˈkeɪ/ (noun)
The characteristic scent of a wine or perfume.
/əˈfluviəm/ (noun)
An unpleasant or harmful odor, secretion, or discharge.
/ˈɛsəns/ (noun)
The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.
/ˈfɛdɪd/ (adjective)
Smelling extremely unpleasant.
/faʊl/ (adjective)
Offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being unpleasantly soiled.
/ˈfreɪɡrəns/ (noun)
A pleasant, sweet smell.
/ˈfreɪɡrənt/ (adjective)
Having a pleasant or sweet smell.
/frɛʃ/ (adjective)
Pleasantly clean, pure, and cool.
/ˈfʊlsəm/ (adjective)
Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree.
/ˈhɛdi/ (adjective)
Potent; intoxicating.
/mælˈoʊdərəs/ (adjective)
Smelling very unpleasant.
/məˈfɪdɪk/ (adjective)
Foul-smelling; noxious.
/məˈfaɪdəs/ (noun)
A noxious or foul-smelling gas or vapour.
/maɪˈæzmə,miˈæzmə/ (noun)
A highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor.
/məsk/ (noun)
A strong-smelling reddish-brown substance which is secreted by the male musk deer for scent-marking and is an important ingredient in perfumery.
/noʊz/ (noun)
The part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostrils and used for breathing and smelling.
/ˈoʊdər/ (noun)
A distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one.
/ˌoʊdəˈrɪfərəs/ (adjective)
Having or giving off a smell, especially an unpleasant or distinctive one.
/ɑlˈfækʃən/ (noun)
The action or capacity of smelling; the sense of smell.
/ɑlˈfækt(ə)ri,oʊlˈfækt(ə)ri/ (adjective)
Relating to the sense of smell.
/poʊˈmændər,ˈpoʊˌmændər/ (noun)
A ball or perforated container of sweet-smelling substances such as herbs and spices, placed in a closet, drawer, or room to perfume the air or (formerly) carried as a supposed protection against infection.
/ˌpoʊpəˈri/ (noun)
A mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl or small sack to perfume clothing or a room.
/ˈpjutrəˌfaɪ/ (verb)
Make foul
/ˈpjutrəd/ (adjective)
Very unpleasant; repulsive.
/ˈrænsəd/ (adjective)
Smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale.
/ræŋk/ (adjective)
Having a foul or offensive smell.
/ˈrɛdlənt/ (adjective)
Fragrant or sweet-smelling.
/rik/ (verb)
Smell strongly and unpleasantly; stink.
/ˈseɪv(ə)ri/ (adjective)
Belonging to the category that is salty or spicy rather than sweet.
/sɛnt/ (noun)
A distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant.
/smɛl/ (noun)
The faculty or power of perceiving odors or scents by means of the organs in the nose.
/ˈsmɛli/ (adjective)
Having a strong or unpleasant smell.
/stɪŋk/ (noun)
A strong unpleasant smell; a stench.
/ˈstɪŋki/ (adjective)
Having a strong or unpleasant smell.
/ˈstəfi/ (adjective)
Lacking fresh air or ventilation.
/wɑft,wæft/ (noun)
A gentle movement of air.
/(h)wɪf/ (noun)
A smell that is only smelled briefly or faintly.