(separable) to dismiss from a job
General Motors usually lays workers off before Christmas so that the CEO can get a large bonus.
(separable) to not include
A margarita is not a margarita if you leave the tequila out.
(separable) to disappoint
The team let the coach down.
(inseparable) to recline
I like to lie down in my hammock and read.
(separable) to elevate something
Max could not lift Mary up because she was too heavy.
(inseparable) to stand in a line
The prisoners had to line up before they could enter the dining hall.
(separable) to put in a row
Max likes to line up his dominos and then knock them down.
(separable) to lock the door so that someone can't leave
Mary was afraid that Max might flee, so she locked him in.
(separable) to lock the door so that someone can't enter
Jane locked Jack out of the bathroom because she wanted some privacy.
(inseparable) to take care of or protect
She looks after her younger brother.
(inseparable) to consider inferior
The wealthy woman looked down on the poor, homeless people in the park.
(inseparable) to anticipate with pleasure
I look forward to our meeting.
(inseparable) to investigate
The grand jury is looking into the allegations that bribes influenced the mayor's actions.
(inseparable) to be careful; watchful; to protect someone's interests
Most politicians just look out for themselves and their wealthy constituents. They have little regard for the average person.
(separable) to inspect or examine (swiftly)
I looked over the contract this morning, and everything seems fine.
(separable) to find information in a book or booklike source
Mary decided to look up her ex-boyfriend's phone number
(separable) to cut something off (a limb or branch of a tree)
The carpenter accidentally lopped off two of his fingers when cutting wood.