(separable) to accumulate in number (score)
You'd better watch where you park. You're racking up the parking tickets.
(separable) to steal something
Max ripped twenty dollars off from that old lady.
(separable) to tear something into pieces
The teacher ripped Max's test up because he caught Max cheating.
(inseparable) to escape from one's guardians
Mary ran away at the age of thirteen.
(inseparable) to meet unexpectedly
I was surprised when I ran into Bill on the way to the store yesterday.
(inseparable) to use all of something
We ran out of milk, so I need to buy more.
(separable) to hit with a vehicle
Bill ran over a cat on his way to work.
(inseparable) to enter quickly
The students rushed in because they were eager to learn.
(inseparable) to exit quickly
The workers all rushed out because it was time to go home.